“I watched my 7 year old daughter face her numerous fears and compete in a challenge I honestly didn’t know if she’d try, much less finish... But she’s taught me to to NEVER UNDERESTIMATE her and that she is truly CAPABLE OF ANYTHING she puts her mind to.”
“Exhausted and angry, hot and hungry, frustrated they lost their map but—they did run across the finish (barely). Through my tears of IMMENSE PROUDNESS I told them that they DID AWESOME AND WORKED TOGETHER to finish. After a slice of pizza and a drink...they proclaimed ‘we are going to get all our friends to do this next year and we are going to KICK BUTT’.”
“The race was very well organized. The volunteers were so friendly, and the course was a perfect amount of fun and challenge for our 8 & 9 year old boys. Thank you and see you again next year!”